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Vote for SNAPS in the My Favourite Voucher Codes Charity Poll!

We’re delighted that SNAPS has been selected as one of the charities for the My Favourite Voucher Codes July charity poll.   

Every month, My Favourite Voucher Codes give four charities the chance to win a donation of 20% of their profits.

Throughout the month, the public gets to vote for the charity they want to see win, and the charity with the most votes at the end of July will win the donation.

We would be very grateful if you could spare 30 seconds to vote for SNAPS!

Here’s how to vote:

  • Click on the My Favourite Voucher Codes homepage
  • Scroll until you see the poll on the right hand side (bottom of the page on mobile phones)
  • Click the small circle next to SNAPS to cast your free vote
  • The poll runs from 1st to 31st

You do not need to use any vouchers to vote, and everyone gets one vote – so make sure to share with your friends and family.

Thank you for your continued support! 


SNAPS Superhero Challenge returns for 2024

Our annual SNAPS Superhero Challenge is returning to Leeds this September! 

Taking place at the John Charles Centre for Sport on Sunday, 8th September, the Superhero Challenge gives children the chance to zoom around a 400m athletics track. Each child can decide on their own distance target. They may choose to go halfway round, the full way round or keep going many times. They can choose to either run or walk, and those requiring a wheelchair, walker or pushchair can wheel around the track too.

Each child will receive a superhero cape, a goody bag and a special medal to mark their achievement. There will also be a host of fun family activities including:

  • Giant bouncy castle
  • Face painting
  • Arts and crafts
  • Children’s entertainers
  • Real life superheroes
  • Gentle therapy animals
  • The chance to look around emergency services vehicles

…and much more!

We’re very grateful to our event sponsors Irwin Mitchell and Taylor Wimpey, and excited to welcome special guests including the Right Worshipful the Lord Mayor of Leeds and the Leeds Children’s Mayor.  

SNAPS’ services receive no government funding, and all funds raised from the Superhero Challenge will go towards our vital work.

Tim Wyatt, whose family has been supported by SNAPS since his daughter Florence suffered a very rare paediatric stroke just before her third birthday, says: I cannot express enough how grateful my family and I are for the unwavering care and attention that SNAPS has provided to my daughter during her recovery from a stroke. The charity has truly been a lifeline for us during a very challenging time.

“Doing the Superhero Challenge is a real highlight of our family’s year and the perfect way to celebrate all the hard-fought rehabilitation victories in my daughter Florence’s journey. We’re counting down the days to this year’s event, ready to create more unforgettable moments of joy and triumph!”

Lisa Morton, Head of Fundraising at SNAPS, said: “We are so excited for this year’s Superhero Challenge. Last year’s event was attended by over 100 children and was jam-packed with entertainment, and we are going bigger and better this year! The Superhero Challenge offers a safe and inclusive way for ALL families to come together and have fun.

Tickets cost £5 per child (adults go free). Find out more about the Superhero Challenge 2024 here and book tickets here

Young child enjoying Hydrotherapy with a physio

SNAPS awarded grant from Postcode Neighbourhood Trust

We are absolutely delighted to share the news that we have been awarded a grant of £25,000 from Postcode Neighbourhood Trust!


Postcode Neighbourhood Trust supports smaller charities and good causes in the North of England, to make a difference to their community for the benefit of people and planet.


These funds will help us to deliver our vital support services for children with additional needs and their families.

We would like to say a huge thank you to players of People’s Postcode Lottery for making this possible. 

Florence and her family
Meet The Families

Florence and family

"SNAPS has truly been a lifeline for us."

Tim says: “Florence suffered a very rare paediatric stroke in August 2020, just before her third birthday.

“The stroke meant that Florence lost all movement of her left side and was unable to walk and talk. Our family were in hospital for two weeks before starting to navigate the world of health and rehab appointments for Florence.

“As we desperately searched for support and help outside of what is such a busy and overstretched NHS, we came across SNAPS. SNAPS offered us a place where we could come and meet other parents and children with additional needs as a family. I cannot express enough how grateful my family and I are for the unwavering care and attention that SNAPS has provided to my daughter during her recovery from a stroke. The swim and rebound sessions have been an integral part of her rehabilitation journey, and the supportive community and inclusive environment have made a positive impact on all of us. SNAPS has truly been a lifeline for us during this challenging time.”

You can read about Florence’s swimming journey at SNAPS here

Meet The Families

Phoenix and family

"From the moment we walked through the door, we felt safe."

Phoenix’s mum, Lora, says: “Our family has been coming to SNAPS since 2017, when Phoenix was around 18 months. From the moment we walked through the door, we felt safe. We were around people with similar journeys to us, we weren’t judged, only supported by staff and other families which was a weight off our shoulders after we had Phoenix’s diagnosis. 

Since then, SNAPS has become an integral part of our lives. Phoenix has accessed so many therapies and opportunities that he wouldn’t otherwise have been able to have accessed. Rebound, swimming and hydrotherapy have been his main Saturday activities over the years and stay and play has made him feel included and accepted in a world that can be incredibly hard to find your place in.

We have also done a lot of other activities that have been offered by SNAPS such as the holiday activities. We had our first worry free cinema trip with SNAPS. It was brilliant to be able to give Phoenix an opportunity to do the things that other families don’t have to think twice about. I honestly don’t think we would be the family we are able to be today if it wasn’t for SNAPS. They support us as a whole family unit and have provided opportunities for myself and Phoenix’s Dad, Phoenix’s sister Blake and his grandparents who have also attended sessions with us.

A personal favourite part of SNAPS is the parent massages. As well as being a lovely bit of time for me to be able to relax, having a child with a physical disability also can put stress on my body so this really helps with my physical and mental wellbeing. 

Last year Phoenix was given the opportunity after appearing in video for SNAPS, to speak to the team at BBC Children in Need and featured on BBC Radio 2, talking about what a difference SNAPS has made to his life. As a result of this, Phoenix was invited to Bolton Wanderers stadium to speak to Zoe Ball live on air and meet Vernon Kay at the end of his ultra ultra marathon challenge for Children in Need, who have also helped to fund swimming and hydrotherapy sessions at SNAPS. This opportunity made his life as he has a keen interest for all things celebrity and TV and strives to one day be on TV. So not only has SNAPS helped Phoenix with therapies, recreation and wellbeing, they have also helped to ignite a passion in Phoenix that could take him through his life.

SNAPS means so much to us as a family and we’ve always wanted to give back and make sure that other families are able to have the experience and support that we have. Phoenix’s dad decided that he would take on multiple cycling challenges over the years for SNAPS. Overall so far we have raised a little over £25k to help SNAPS support as many families as possible and we will continue to do so where we can.

As a parent of SNAPS I have also had the opportunity to be on the board of trustees a role in which I feel is really important to bring the voice of all parents back to the board and help to drive change where needed and to continue delivering the incredible services that are already provided. 

We are immensely proud to be a part of this wonderful charity and can’t thank every single member of the team that makes it possible enough.” 

You can listen to Phoenix and Lora speaking to BBC Radio 2 here

Stacey, and her son, Lars
Meet The Families

Lars and Stacey

"SNAPS has had a big impact not only to my son, but to me as a parent."

“I wish we had attended SNAPS sooner, as it has had a big impact not only to my son but to me as a parent also.

“Lars struggled to access other football training and sports groups due to his disabilities, but was so desperate to try. When I saw football advertised at SNAPS it sounded perfect – so inclusive and welcoming of everyone no matter their ability. When Lars started attending, he was so happy.  The demands are lower and a slower pace to other sports groups he had attended which is just perfect for his needs, SNAPS’ football club has enabled him to become more confident in himself and his abilities and give more things a try. He has made some wonderful friends.

“As a parent, it’s been amazing to see his personality and self-esteem blossom. As a parent of a SEN child, I have also gained some new friends through SNAPS.  It’s been nice to find other parents that just get it.  We all support each other and each other’s children.

“Stay and play, attending summer events such as the day at Nell bank and the picnic have been so valuable to enable us to build the relationships with other families. The staff are wonderful so welcoming, knowledgeable and always have a listening ear and a cup of tea at the ready! They have really embraced us and made us feel like we belong!”

Broomfield Jan 2460
Meet The Families

Thomas & Sarah

"Thomas has grown more confident with SNAPS."

“When I first joined SNAPS, Thomas was three years old. At that time we met in the staff room at Penny Field and had a coffee and chatted with other parents. I put Thomas’s name down for swimming lessons.  To begin with, Thomas would scream when he was in just a few inches of water. This made it difficult to get him to go in the water. I am grateful for the swimming instructor, Jean, who within a couple of weeks, got Thomas to happily go into the pool and play with some toys. We eventually moved on to lessons away from SNAPS and he now swims full lengths at our local pool. I thank SNAPS for this as I did wonder if he’d ever swim confidently. 

“Thomas has grown more confident with SNAPS and loves helping the staff members welcome new families to the site no matter which site we go to. When the role of Junior Ambassador was advertised, I encouraged Thomas to apply as I felt that this would be a great opportunity for him to not only welcome new families but also help shape the future. 

“More recently I have enjoyed having a massage, a great treat that has been added for parents. Thomas has joined TicToc, a new group for teenagers that has recently started at the Broomfield site. 

“We both love being able to just drop in when we feel up to coming and that we are made welcome at either site. Chatting to other parents is good whilst Thomas plays. The fact that Thomas loves helping the volunteers and staff at either site and making sure new families are ok makes me so proud.”

Elin & Rowan
Meet The Families

Elin and Rowan

“We love SNAPS and we look forward to it every week.”

Kieron & Kathy
Meet The Families

Kieron and Kathy

“It was great to find somewhere that we both felt we fitted in.”

Meet The Families

Harrison and Fiona

"I wouldn’t be the parent I am today without the support we have received."

Fiona says:
“Harrison first attended SNAPS at the age of 18 months. Walking through the doors that very first time, I was nervous, but I needn’t have been because it was like coming home, home to a family who truly understood.

“Harrison struggled with his gastro system since birth, feeding and severe GORD (Gastro Oesophageal Reflux Disease) was always such a painful struggle for him and he began his ‘tube feeding journey’ at just 6 weeks old. Since then, he has had multiple complex operations and was later fitted with a Gastrostomy tube directly into his stomach as a more permanent solution for his condition. Aside from navigating such complex medical needs Harrison is also Autistic and awaiting an assessment for ADHD.

 “There are obviously huge barriers within our day to day lives which prevent us from accessing things but coming to SNAPS those barriers are immediately removed. Harrison has the freedom to explore his surroundings with people there who respect and understand his differing needs. He has built connections and formed friendships with others which has filled him with confidence. To see his happy smiling face when he knows we are coming to SNAPS is a huge reminder of what a strong, courageous, resilient young man I have the privilege of calling my son.

“Harrison had his first Hydrotherapy session after turning three years old. He began his journey very resistant to the pool, the water and the noise. Slowly, Harrison became more comfortable in his surroundings and after a term, Leanne was able to take him on his swimming journey and he has flourished ever since. I never expected the sheer strength and determination to prevail and for Harrison to love the water as much as he does. Water is his happy place and that is all down to Leanne’s tireless support, recognition of his needs and building a strong connection with him and always finding an approach that works. I am immensely proud of him and his confidence in the water.

“Harrison has accessed a number of different events over the years including football, dance and music, and we have built such a strong sense of belonging within SNAPS. I am extremely grateful for Jo’s constant unwavering support and knowing she is there for me as well as Harrison is hugely reassuring. I certainly wouldn’t be the parent I am today without the support we have received and I know that Harrison wouldn’t be the confident, determined young man he is either. Thank you for everything!”

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